MFS brackets with indywidual torque patented by Professor Jose Duran von Arx, head of the Orthodontics Department at the University of Barcelona.
Prize: GIRSO Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie et Odontologie for Torque Indywidualiztion. Brackets ranging from 0 to 25 degrees for upper incisior (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25). Slot of metalic bracket 0.18 x 0.32 and an slot of aesthetic brackets 0.20 x 0.25. The selection of the bracket prescription is based on the individualization of the torque made on the lateral cephalometric x-ray. According prof Robert Rickets- Bioprogresive Theory and Mfs Philosophy, in ideal situation the long axis of the incisor is parallel to the axis of the patient's face. The calculation of the individual torque, despite a number of measuring activities, is not difficult. System is aimed to ambitious doctors with an individual approach to each case. An additional option offered by the system is the possibility of selecting brackets in the lateral section for bracho, dolicho and mesocephalic cases. If you are interested in the system, we invite you to training with the professor, the system creator.
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