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Course on-line: The diagnosis and practical application of MFS stimulators in the treatment of growing patients with motor disorders of the oral cavity. Polish language version.
149,00 €
On-line Course synopsis
Based on extensive knowledge of the mechanisms governing the growth and development of the facial skeleton, supported by many years of clinical research at the University of Barcelona we offer to show you:
- A protocol for the diagnostic procedure of the motor functions of the oral cavity based on the coding of the functions of: breathing, tongue mobility, swallowing and others.
- Management strategies to help you achieve positive results in treating patients in the period of growth and development, during fixed appliance therapy, as a palliative treatment.
- The practical application of MFS stimulators in the treatment of growing patients with motor disorders of the oral cavity area showed that we can change the direction of craniofacial growth by influencing specific muscle groups through stimulation.
- Oral motor disorders in a cascade manner change the distribution of muscle tone, disturbing the motor activity of other parts of the body.
- According to the life motto of the creator of MFS stimulators, prof. Duran “Think more, work less”, we will share our knowledge and experience with you, showing you how to deal with new problems or the ones you might have came across.
- Introduction to MFS devices-creator prof. Jose Duran von Arx,
- Basic Mechanisms of Craniofacial Growth and Development You Need to Know.
The importance of the inclination of the upper incisor in the process of mandibular growth- first overbite or overjet? Lastest knowledge about the lingual frenulum. A simple way to classify tongue mobility according to prof. Duran to assess the patient’s needs.
From diagnosis to surgery and post-operative assesment. Frenulotomy indications. Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Treatment post op of lingual frenulum. Detailed treatment processes to enchance clinicans skills in executing this treatment metod.
After this lecture:
☑️ you will learn about the mechanisms that govern the growth and development of the face. This information will be provided in a practical form.
☑️ You will learn the order, from the point of view of the craniofacial growth in relation to the individual spatial planes, it should be treated- first overbite or overjet?
☑️ You will gain the latest knowledge about the frenulum of the tongue, published in 2019, 2020, presenting us with new challenges.
MFS Diagnosis. Codification of oral functions. Negative and positive stimuli. MFS Stimulators. Hierarchy of oral functions. Ways to obtain the correct resting position of the tongue on the palate. Purpose and goals, functionality, conditions of use, presentation on the empirical material.
- Familiarizing the hierarchy of oral motor functions and managing your patients’ treatment in an orderly way.
You will learn which stimulators are dedicated to patients with habitual mouth breathing and which stimulators are dedicated to patients with atypical swallowing and lack of a resting position of the tongue on the palate.
Stimulators used in the case of reduced muscle tension. Stimulators used in increased muscle tone and in bruxism. You will learn how to choose the size of them.
After this lecture:
☑️ you will know what is the hierarchical order to successfully re-educate the motor functions of the oral cavity. Using the example of the presented cases, you will learn about the stimulation that has negative effects on the bite and craniofacial growth.
☑️ You will learn that due to the fact that the tongue and the mouth have a large sensory representation in the area of the cerebral cortex, we can use stimulators to stimulate the appropriate neuromotor points of the oral cavity. We call it positive stimulation because it gives us measurable morphological benefits.
☑️ you will learn these principles and be able to implement them in your practice.
Cases presentations. Myofunctional disorders in growing children and its influence for anterio and posteriorotation. Control of muscle pattern during grow period.
Presentation of patients with multiple functional disorders, and its impact on the maxillo-facial growth direction. During this lecture, we will show you how we treated our patients using MFS stimulators.
You will see how, thanks to the change of activities, normalization of muscle work, and restoration of the prototype movements of the tongue, we obtain changes in occlusion and craniofacial growth.
After this lecture:
☑️ you will be able to make decision – apply key treatment strategies to prevent negative impact of functional disorders on craniofacial growth
☑️ you will know how you can control growth pattern by early functional treatment.
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